advocacy wtAdvocacy is the process of supporting a cause, such as fostering a RAS-friendly policy environment. This category thus contains resources that relate to advocacy for RAS and provide strategies on how to best engage in policy processes. It looks at how to identify topics that need to be strengthened in policies, how to engage in multi-stakeholder processes for a particular cause, and how topics can be brought to the attention of policy makers. It discusses how to adapt your strategy to your very specific context and contains information on how to communicate you cause.

The State of EAS Proceedings: Transforming Agricultural Extension System and Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Author: Unknown , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example
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This document describes the proceedings of the workshop "Transforming Agricultural Extension System and Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo", held on 26 - 27 June 2012, organised by the Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The purpose of this set of proceedings is to present a diagnosis of the extension system in the DRC and communicate the key messages on strategies to inform agricultural extension reform efforts.


Last modified on Wednesday, 31 May 2017 16:23

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