For those policy-makers who would like to refresh their knowledge of the concept of extension, this is a practical guide to provide need- and demand-based knowledge and skills to rural men, women and youth in a non-formal, participatory manner, with the objective of improving their quality of life. The function of extension may be applied to several subjects, both agricultural and non-agricultural, such as health; when it is applied to agriculture, it is called agricultural extension.
Developing a policy is a combination of technical, strategical, and political processes. It not only includes finding the right contents based on previous policy analysis and evidence from the field, but also finding the right level on which these contents shall be treated in a particular policy to have the greatest impact. In order to ensure compliance and right impact, the development of a policy must include complex and long participatory consulting processes with various stakeholders from all levels.
Modernizing National Agricultural Extension Systems
Author: M. Kalim Qamar , 2005
Type: Case study, experience, example
Type: Case study, experience, example
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Published in
Policy Development Processes
Type of Document: Research Papers and Studies