advocacy wtAdvocacy is the process of supporting a cause, such as fostering a RAS-friendly policy environment. This category thus contains resources that relate to advocacy for RAS and provide strategies on how to best engage in policy processes. It looks at how to identify topics that need to be strengthened in policies, how to engage in multi-stakeholder processes for a particular cause, and how topics can be brought to the attention of policy makers. It discusses how to adapt your strategy to your very specific context and contains information on how to communicate you cause.

Policy Environment Analysis and Evidence (9)

What policies currently exist, is there a need for change in these policies and based on what evidence?

Adesina, Akinwumi , 2013
Type: Conceptual (definitions and frameworks)

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Speech delivered by Akinwumi Adesina, Minister of Agriculture, Nigeria at the Brussels Policy Briefing on ‘Agricultural resilience in the face of crises and shocks’, Brussels, 04 March 2013.

The speech covers six policy areas for improving resilience, based on experiences in Nigeria: access to affordable agricultural inputs, access to financial services, building capacity to predict shocks to inform risk management, encourage drought tolerant crops, improved water management and social safety net policies.

n.a. , n.a.
Type: Case study, experience, example

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Summary of Ethiopia's Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) for Agriculture and Rural Development, goals indicated for 2014/2015.

Berhanu, Kassahun, Poulton, Colin , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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A Power Point Presentation on a paper adressing motivations and inefficiencies in investment in extension as well as lessons for reform of extension.

Unknown , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This document describes the proceedings of the workshop "Transforming Agricultural Extension System and Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo", held on 26 - 27 June 2012, organised by the Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The purpose of this set of proceedings is to present a diagnosis of the extension system in the DRC and communicate the key messages on strategies to inform agricultural extension reform efforts.


IFPRI , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This note provides a summary of the current state of agricultural extension in the DRC and identifies important opportunities to address the many challenges agricultural extension in DRC faces in terms of institutional set-up, funding mechanism, capacity strengthening of extension service providers, and delivery method and tools.

Bradley, William , 2014
Type: Case study, experience, example

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Power Point Presentation held by William Bradley, Agriculture Officer with USAID/Cambodia, remarking on agricultural extension services and USAID project HARVEST Cambodia.

Hur Ben Corrêa da Silva , 2011
Type: Case study, experience, example

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Power Point Presentation held at the Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services International Conference in Nairobe, 15. - 18. November 2011.

Cristina Sette and Javier Ekboir , 2013
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This document is the result of a series of interviews carried out in November 2012 with extensionists, university professors, researchers, technicians, and extension service coordinators from different states in Brazil. A total of 14 professionals from CATI, ESALQUSP, EMPAER-MT, EMBRAPA, and independent consultants were interviewed. The information shared by those professionals was combined to build a narrative, showing an overview of the current rural extension practices in Brazil.

Peixoto, Marcus , 2014
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This article aims to present the evolution of the main facts in Brazilian RAS and its recent history, focusing on institutional and legal changes, showing some relevant data derived from official sources with support from specialized literature.

Institutionalized rural advisory services in Brazil emerged during the 1950s and played an important role in the modernization of some sectors of its agriculture. However, they faced many difficulties that resulted in a long term crisis, which only recently began to be solved. Despite the progress of public policies, huge challenges remain in the way of providing quality and continuous services to all farmers.