me wtMonitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) is about creating, collecting, and analysing data and information on the progress, outcomes, and impact of a policy. It creates the evidence that then ideally informs the implementation or adaption process of the concerned policy, and/or feeds into advocacy efforts and the development of new policies.

Lessons Learned and Results from MEL (7)

Patience B. Rwamigisa and Birner, ReginaYear , 2011
Type: Case study, experience, example

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19713 times downloaded

Power Point Presentation on the case of Uganda's extension reform process (1996 - 2011), held at the Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services International Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, from 15-18 November 2011

Type: Conceptual (definitions and frameworks)

Una propuesta de lineamientos de política para el futuro

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Las sistemas de extensión son la estrategia básica para incrementar la productividad, disminuir los costos unitarios, diversificar la producción, agregar valor, diferenciar las producciones, adecuarse a los estándares de calidad exigidos por el mercado y disminuir la inseguridad alimentaria. Para enfrentar este desafío se establece el Sistema Nacional de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología Agroalimentaria (SNITTA), que juega un rol crítico para el desarrollo de la competitividad del sector agrícola ya que significa transitar hacia un enfoque en el que predomina la innovación tecnológica y la asistencia continua orientada a resultados concretos. Debido a su importancia, se realiza este estudio, cuyo objetivo principal es ofrecer recomendaciones y propuestas de política tecnológica que contribuyan a mejorar los sistemas de extensión y transferencia de tecnología en

CHinsinga, B. , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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Presentation on FISP and the extension debate in perspective in Malawi, asking questions such as: Is there a deepening crisis of extension human resource? Is demand driven pluralistic extension policy folly?

Florence Masia , 2015
Type: Case study, experience, example

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514 times downloaded

Extension and advisory services (EAS) by private and public extension services providers (ESPs) can elp improve food security, income generation, poverty alleviation and development. These services articularly benefit smallholder subsistence farmers.  This study explores EAS approaches employed by the private and public sectors and their impacts on ustainable agricultural development among smallholders. 

The survey covered five out of the eight provinces in Kenya. The smallholder farmers and ESPs epresented 86 percent and 90 percent, respectively, of the target respondents. The study covered armers who had been involved in production and marketing for over 10 years and ESPs who had  orked with smallholder farmers for more than two years. The National Agricultural Sector Extension olicy (NASEP) set the guidelines for the survey.

Geethakutty, P.S. , 2014
Type: Case study, experience, example

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A policy advocacy effort for introducing women-inclusive agricultural policy in the State of Kerala, India during 2011-12, and the premises and methodologies adopted are covered in this article. The effort was not an initiative of a committee appointed by the government, which is the usual procedure, but was a proactive campaign. Two pro-women agencies of Kerala involving various stakeholders from grassroots entities had reminded the government and other stakeholders that it is high time the state adopt a women-inclusive policy in all planned efforts of research and developme

Vickie Sigman , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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As part of SOW, identify and review at least three examples of existing agricultural extension policy documents from other countries in Africa and consult with experts who have been involved in preparing those documents.  Although Bangladesh is not in Africa, its policy is selected for review because follow-up studies provide useful lessons learned and weaknesses of the policy which can be used to inform Liberia’s policy.

Vickie Sigman , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This presentation aims, as part of SOW, to identify and review at least three examples of existing agricultural extension policy documents from other countries in Africa and consult with experts who have been involved in preparing those documents.