development wtDeveloping a policy is a combination of technical, strategical, and political processes. It not only includes finding the right contents based on previous policy analysis and evidence from the field, but also finding the right level on which these contents shall be treated in a particular policy to have the greatest impact. In order to ensure compliance and right impact, the development of a policy must include complex and long participatory consulting processes with various stakeholders from all levels.

Policy Formulation (4)

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Zambia , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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11756 times downloaded

The Government of the Republic of Zambia has formulated a Livestock Development Policy to guide the effective implementation of activities and programmes in the livestock sub-sector. The Policy defines the overall objective and sets specific priority policy guidelines and strategies for achieving the vision of Government for livestock development

Kamau, Mary , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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908 times downloaded

Power Point Presentation held during the Extension Workshop in Kinshasa, DRC frm 26 to 27 June 2012. It explains the development and implementation of the National Agricultural Sector Extension Policy (NASEP), and touches upon policy validation, a performance management system and the motivation to extension staff.

Suvedi, Murari , 2014
Type: Case study, experience, example

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5384 times downloaded

Power Point Presentation on Agricultural Extension Policy Fromulation in Cambodia.

Ministre de l'agriculture de l'elevage et de la pêche (MAEP) , 2007
Type: Case study, experience, example

Download here
0 times downloaded

Le Livre Blanc doit être la référence pour la conception et la mise en œuvre des projets et des programmes de développement agricole et rural, les principes qu’il contient devant désormais leur être appliqués tant par les Services de l’Etat que par les Partenaires dans la négociation de ces projets et programmes.Ce Livre Blanc constitue une plate forme nationale consensuelle qui doit désormais servir de socle stratégique et méthodologique pour l’élaboration de la politique nationale en matière de conseil aux producteurs, et notamment pour l’opérationnalisation du Plan d’Action Conseil Agricole en vue de la définition des programmes et budgets à moyen et long terme dans ce domaine.

