introduction wtThis section will provide you with the very basics you need to know about RAS policy. It contains general definitions and approaches to policy, as well as general and overarching background knowledge you need to be familiar with in order to get engaged in policy processes.

Definitions and Terms (2)

Here you can find definitions of the key terms you will come across when dealing with RAS policies. They pertain to both policy and to rural advisory services (RAS). 

MEAS , 2014
Type: Conceptual (definitions and frameworks)

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Agricultural extension uses a number of different terms to describe specific concepts and approaches.  Also, because there are different schools of thought about how agricultural extension systems should be organized and function, these different points of view can lead to interesting debates.The extension glossary of Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services (MEAS) offers a common ground.


Webster , n.a.
Type: Conceptual (definitions and frameworks)

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Three definitions of policy.