national policies wtEvery country has developed, formulated, and decreed national policies related to rural advisory services. Find some examples here. If you are looking for a national policy from a specific country, please use the search function, selecting the category “National policies” and the tag for the country.

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This training manual is designed for health and agriculture extension workers to train health and agriculture development armies as part of the Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction in Ethiopia (SURE) programme. It provides HDAs and ADAs the knowledge they need to improve infant and young child feeding and dietary diversity through the discussions they facilitate with their 1-5 and 1-30 community networks. 

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This handbook is designed as a reference manual for front-line extension staff to use in their day-to-day work. It offers a set of tools for effective communication, program planning and evaluation. It is meant to support and educate agricultural extension workers worldwide. The intended audiences of this handbook include: governmental agriculture, fisheries, natural resources and community development ministry officials; governmental and non-governmental extension district/regional managers; extension-related faculty and their students—preservice extension workers; and field-level agents, whether governmental, non-governmental or for-profit. We hope that this handbook will help advance efforts to empower and continue educating extension personnel through in-service training opportunities, continuing education programming and “train-the-trainer” programs. Such efforts may include targeting specific tools of interest to audiences and inviting scholars/practitioners to teach participants about them. 

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This part of the manual brings parts 1 and 2 together with your own knowledge and experience. It will guide you to create a personalised design for achieving sustainable nutrition and a better future. You’ll draw maps and sketches as you make your plans to make the most of all the resources that you have now, as well as building up resources for the future.

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This part of the manual is about Natural Systems and Sustainability. You will learn about the Nature Cycle and the Water Cycle and an understanding about Soil Fertility and the benefits of Diversity in Nature will develop. You will be introduced to Permaculture designs and sustainable living practices. You will find out about renewable and non-renewable resources and begin to understand the wider issues of sustainability. This book can be used in your homes, offices, schools, communities, farms and gardens. You can discuss the ideas in it with others so that eventually your whole nation designs and lives sustainably.

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This manual is for people who eat, grow or buy food and who want to improve their own lives, their community and the environment that they live in. It has been written for, and by, people living in Malawi, but the ideas in it can be applied anywhere in the world. It is for all people, everywhere, but most of all it is for you. Many people in Malawi have used this manual with great results and, if you use these ideas, you will also be able to:

  • Improve your diet and health
  • Save money that was spent on food, medicines and chemicals
  • Double or triple yields and harvests (or even more!)
  • Reduce the amount of watering in gardens and orchards
  • Reduce the amount of work done on your land and in your home
  • Have healthier plants and animals
  • Reduce infertile and unproductive areas of land
  • Use free resources to improve soil and water in your area

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This PFS training Manual is designed for use by Master Trainers (MTs) during the training of facilitators course. Each lesson/topic is complete in itself detailing the preparations to be made, the materials to be kept handy, the core message to be communicated, and the methods that can be used in communicating the messages. A few sessions may require the presence of a technical person as co-facilitator, but the rest can be handled by any person who has been trained as a PFS Master Trainer.

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In order to impact on the nutritional outcomes, there is a need to focus on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture involves the incorporation of nutritional concerns into the design and implementation of agricultural policies, projects and investments, targeting nutritionally vulnerable groups with these investments and particularly focusing on women and increasing year-round access to diverse, nutrient-dense foods. Development agents (DAs) or agriculture extension workers (AEWs) are at the forefront of the support available to farmers for improved agricultural production and opportunities to increase income. This nutrition-sensitive agriculture training aims at building the knowledge and skill of DAs in nutrition-sensitive agriculture so that they can promote agricultural and related practices that have the potential to maximize nutritional benefits. 

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In order to impact on the nutritional outcomes, there is a need to focus on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture involves the design and adoption of cropping and farming systems (crops and animal) which can provide agricultural solutions to the prevailing nutritional problems. Development agents (DAs) or agriculture extension workers (AEWs) are at the forefront to support farmers for improved agricultural production and better income. This nutrition-sensitive agriculture training aims at building the knowledge and skill of DAs in nutrition-sensitive agriculture so that they can promote agricultural and other related practices that maximize nutritional benefits. 

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In order to impact on the nutritional outcomes, there is a need to focus on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture involves the design and adoption of cropping and farming systems (crops and animal) which can provide agricultural solutions to the prevailing nutritional problems. Development agents (DAs) or agriculture extension workers (AEWs) are at the forefront to support farmers for improved agricultural production and better income. This nutrition-sensitive agriculture training aims at building the knowledge and skill of DAs in nutrition-sensitive agriculture so that they can promote agricultural and other related practices that maximize nutritional benefits. 

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