Agriculture and RAS-related Policies (10)

n.a. , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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The Comprehensive Agricultural Policy Framework document gives the situation analysis of the agricultural sector, highlights the vision, goals, objectives and detailed policy statements and strategies for the development of the Zimbabwean agricultural sector during the period 2012 – 2032.

Ministry of Agriculture and Co-Operatives, Republic of Zambia , 2004
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This document highlights the Vision, Policies, and detailed Strategies for the development of the Zambian Agricultural Sector during the period 2004-2015. The main thrust of the National Agricultural Policy are increased production, sector liberalization, commercialization, promotion of public and private sector partnerships and provision of effective services that will ensure sustainable agricultural growth.

Ministry of Agriculture and Co-Operatives, Republic of Zambia , 2008
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This document is a draft of the National Fisheries Policy. The aim of the policy is to provide an overall national vision for the development of the sector. The National Fisheries Policy seeks to give substance to the national fisheries vision.

Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Republic of Zambia , 2011
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This is the final draft of Zambia's National Agriculture Policy (NAP). The revised NAP 2012-2030 provides policy recommendations and action areas to enable agribusiness to produce and commercialise in an environment with clear rules that are predictable and stable, with the government focusing on facilitating, supporting and providing incentives for productive activities.

Department of Natural Resources, Republic of SeychellesYear:2007 Policy & advocacy Seychelles , 2007
Type: Case study, experience, example

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This volume is a collection of agricultural sub-sector papers which provide very clear insights into the various land based food production sub-sectors being examined, with the principal aim of achieving a higher national food security. It aims to achieve that through environment sustainability and mainstreaming climate change considerations especially for adaptation measures. It analyses the food production efforts to date, investigates resource utilisation in the land based food production activities and identifies the shortfall.  It proposes new targets for national food production in a concrete plan for the next five years and guides the focus of food production on the principle of exploiting areas in which there are national comparative advantages.

Amanor, Kojo , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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A Power Point Presentation explaining Ghanas Block Farming Programme at the Workshop on the Politics of Agricultural Extension Reform in Africa, Institute of Development Studies, UK from 6-7 December 2012.

The Block Farming Programme was introduced into the Ghana agricultural extension services as a special presidential initiative of the late President John Atta Mills. The Block Farming Programme has been hailed by the NDC government as a solution to rural unemployment and the raising of farm yields. Its detractors have argued that it is merely a political ploy.

Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Government of Belize , 2009
Type: Case study, experience, example

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For the agriculture sub-sector, the constraints/challenges (organized marketing, low yields in small-scale agriculture, lack of drainage/irrigation, limited research/development, outdated farming practices/equipment, inadequate packaging & grades/standards, limited Government land available for agriculture & land tenure insecurity) facing the sector is determining the policies. Therefore, the [policy] focus will be on: accelerating the diversification of both local/export-oriented agriculture, promoting agro-processing and value adding as a means of expanding opportunities and increasing the income of the rural sector, actively promoting market/trade expansion both locally and internationally, increasing the efficiency, profitability and competitiveness of the sector, and improving and conserving the natural/productive resource base to ensure long-term sustainable productivity/ viability.


Ministry of Agriculture, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh , 1996
Type: Case study, experience, example

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The broad objective of the agricultural policy is to facilitate and accelerate technological transformation with a view to becoming self-sufficient in food production and improve the  nutritional status of the population.

Agricultural extension is a key component of the strategies and objectives of the Government's agricultural policy. As part of the Government.s responsibility for the establishment of policies, regulations and projects that will ensure sustained agricultural production, the need for developing a New Agricultural Extension Policy was felt.

Unknown , n.a.
Type: Case study, experience, example

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A New Agricultural Extension Policy (NAEP) has been devised and introduced in Bangladesh in 1996. The goal of the NAEP is to: “Encourage the various partners and agencies within National Agricultural Extension System (NAES) to provide efficient and effective services which compliment and reinforce each other; in an effort to increase the efficiency and productivity of agriculture in Bangladesh”.

Commonwealth of Australia , 2012
Type: Case study, experience, example

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Rural research, development and extension (RD&E) has been a significant contributor to making Australia’s agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries into what they are today—world-leading, productive and innovative industries.

The Australian rural sector includes a diverse range of industries, which largely comprise small family businesses. The incentive and capacity for individual small businesses to invest in RD&E is low, resulting in potential under-investment in RD&E in the rural sector. The government helps rural industries overcome this by providing rural producers with a means of investing collectively in RD&E to benefit their industry and wider community. This is done through the rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs)—a partnership between government and industry in priority setting and funding.