national policies wtEvery country has developed, formulated, and decreed national policies related to rural advisory services. Find some examples here. If you are looking for a national policy from a specific country, please use the search function, selecting the category “National policies” and the tag for the country.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 15:54

USAID/ENGINE’s Dietary Diversity and “Farm Wash” SBCC Kit for Agriculture Extension Workers

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DURATION: 5 year integrated nutrition Feed the Future program, funded by USAID (2011-2016), working through multi-sector interventions 

Agriculture and livelihoods, nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programming, policy, training for frontliners, and advanced degree programs 


  • Led by Save The Children 
  • Partners include Land o’Lakes, Tufts University, JHPIEGO, The Manoff Group, Valid International, and local NGOs through sub-grants 

 LOCATION: 116 woredas (zones) in the Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Tigray, amd Somali regions of Ethiopia 


  • 3.1 million under five children 
  • half a million pregnant and lactating women 
  • 3.2 million women of reproductive age 
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